Suno AI v3 Revolutionizes Music Creation with AI
The Future of AI is Here - Highlights from NVIDIA GTC 2024 Keynote
Using Shaders and Mods in Minecraft On Apple Silicon Mac
GPT-SoVITS for local inference on Intel or Apple Silicon Mac
Bert-Vits2 2.3 Chinese Extra for local inference on Intel or Apple Silicon Mac
SO-VITS-SVC 4.0 and 4.1 local inference on Intel/Apple Silicon Mac
Two Year of the Blog
The Positive and Powerful Impact of Digital Technology on Learning
Comparative study of famous deep learning papers
Navigating the Fine-Tuning Landscape – Transmuting Language Models with FFT, SFT, and Qlora on Colab
Llama 2, An In-depth Exploration of Fine-Tuned Models Summary and Tips
Grandma's Secret Weapon, A Surprising Trick to Outwit AI Systems
Microsoft Build State of GPT Summary